The Conquest

The Conquest By NÔMADE CINEMAPhotography "Epopeya del pueblo mexicano" (1935). National Palace of Mexico. By Diego Rivera.   European geographical explorations The fall of Constantinople to the Turks cut off…

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Independence By NÔMADE CINEMAPhotography “Hidalgo Incendiario” (1937). Government Palace of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mural. By José Clemente Orozco.   Independence Background After three centuries of Spanish domain, a new nation had…

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Revolution By NÔMADE CINEMAPhotography “Del Porfirismo a la Revolucion” (1974). Mural. Chapultepec Castle, Cdmx. By David Alfaro Siqueiros.   The Maderista revolution The publication of "La sucesión presidencial en 1910"…

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